Welcome to the website of the Refugee Law Clinic Düsseldorf
We are an association of university students and offer free legal advice for refugees and asylum seekers. We support and advice you when you have to file applications, go to appointments at the German authorities or in other related issues. Our students are continuously trained in asylum and migration law and work closely with a pool of experienced lawyers in asylum and migration law in order to ensure that you get advice of high quality.
In general, every university student, regardless of their field of study, can become an advising student in our association, studying law is not essential.
You will get the necessary knowledge in our lecture on asylum law held by practicing lawyers as well as in practice-orientated seminars. In order to advice on asylum and migration matters, you are required to pass the exam in the lecture.
Once you have fulfilled the requirements mentioned above, you can start advising. Thus, you can oversee our consultation hours and help refugees or asylum seekers directly if their cases are not too complicated or you can file the case for our internal case administration.
You can also take over a concrete case and work on it, together with other advising students, for a longer period of time.
During your case work, you are not on your own. We work closely with a pool of experienced lawyers in asylum and migration law who will supervise your work. Thereby, we want to guarantee that you are not overstrained and that cases that require consultation of a lawyer will get the proper advice as soon as possible.

Our team of well educated legal advisors supervise the consulting-hours and cases.
Within the scope of our activities, we work together with other non – profit organizations and associations throughout Germany. Click on one of the logos if you are interested in one of our partners.